The #1 Place to Rent Your DVC Points!

Rent Your DVC Points

The value of your points will depend on your home resort and the proximity to check-in from the time your points are actually rented. Those resorts with higher demands, as well as "home resort" eligible reservations within the 7-11 month booking window, are compensated at higher rates, as seen below:

Confirmed Reservations

Things don't always go as planned; and for that reason, TotalDVC is here for you to rent out your existing reservation, should you be unable to use it.

Based on the dates, resort, room type, and proximity to check-in, we will work with you to ensure your reservation is advertised and given the best possible chance to be rented.

Please note - customization is of high importance to most guests, making point rentals more attractive - given the ability to pick specific dates, resorts, room types, etc. TotalDVC will advise you if we feel that your situation would benefit from cancelling the existing reservation and renting the points instead!